colleges for business and marketing
The Evolution and Impact of Business and Marketing Education in Colleges
Solidly based upon the premise that the ideas of ambiguous origin and disparate influence have generated the community college’s two cardinal missions, this dissertation investigates the roots, the evolution, the nuances, and the impact of an underappreciated aspect of the four primary institutions serving American secondary and higher education: business and marketing education. Emblematic of both the origin and the development of the insignificant presence of this program within the prototypical community college, a literature review reveals its virtual absence in the voluminous archive of writing in business and marketing education, in community development, in economic and workforce development, and in the history of higher learning. Yet today, business and marketing studies rank as the fourth largest academic program in the American community college and contribute nearly a quarter of all community college credits. Therefore, a better understanding of how and why business and marketing studies arrived at this prominence in the community college is clearly warranted. With the rapid growth of two-year business programs in parallel with the extant “college movement,” arguments that political leaders have historically emphasized, both in rhetoric and actions, development of the American type of comprehensive institution in order to cope with the divergent issues, needs, and expectations within their inclusive communities that these broad and multifaceted institutions promise to address, are clarified in the processes leading to the establishment of business and marketing studies.
The modern American community college and its forerunners have been distinctly American entities since they first surfaced in the years following the revolution. Since that time, countless volumes and essays have illuminated the evolution and impact of these institutions of higher learning. Aided by the primary historical documentation of their sponsoring states, community colleges have been examined through the lenses of cultural and political change, the movement for mass public education, corporate philanthropy, and the crusade for social justice. When combined, however, important aspects of the community college’s 200-year history have produced an inexplicable blind spot regarding its founding mission.
Yes, with a well-educated labor force, a country is able to augment its strength. And a well-educated labor force does not come out of nowhere. Colleges play an influential role with business and marketing courses. Business firms’ biggest costs are the input markets, especially those which provide the necessary human resource input. To reduce the education industry’s attempts, all businesses, and especially higher education institutions, especially colleges, should cooperate. Only in this way, education systems will generalize, specialize and teach the most efficient ones, and in the business world, all strategies will be able to be implemented. TQM (Top Quality Management) will be possible.
All around the world, one of the most important long-term goals of a country is to be a leading power that is in front of all other nations and is able to control other countries’ economies. Strong countries control the behaviors of the consumers. Therefore, marketing is also a very important part of all healthy economies. In another corner of the world, in rich countries, firms perform marketing to reinforce their powers and beat each other. All these facilities show that a well-educated labor force is very important for all countries. In the business world, the best educated are able to change the world, and because of that business and marketing programs in colleges are very important.
This difficulty in proactively and contractively innovating upon traditional business and marketing curricular structures leaves the business faculty and the university administration in the presence of the growing requirements for post-secondary business education and control graduates. Therefore, the challenge is for change. More collaboration, communication, and application can be provided within the conventional traditional programs before ongoing and eventual curricular restructuring occurs. As a result, a role for support-acted innovation in business courses at every educational professional level should be a prominent research consideration for business and marketing educators.
Because business and marketing educators have changing responsibilities, introducing curricular innovations is not only vital, but it is also increasingly and incrementally difficult. Indeed, business education tends to lag behind developments in the business world. What implications does this lag have, if for no other reason than that the business faculty most often specifies the college graduate who is challenged to lead American business? The primary functions of business schools are broadly conceived and meet the objections of college faculty, students, and practicing business officials. The business school faculty can no longer develop and simply maintain extended and intensively specialized knowledge for themselves. However, institutionalized narrow specialization is still the academic posture of too many business professors and too many students obtaining undergraduate and graduate business training.
The topic of internships is approached from a number of viewpoints with the traditional question continually coming up, “Should the emphasis of the senior year in college be on practical work or a continuation of subject matter?” The controversy continues. Each has benefits. The college curriculum should be a blend of the ideal and the real. Interfacing business world needs into the curriculum, while developing job expertise through internships in both the business and marketing concentrations, should help to serve a larger audience. Business and marketing students should utilize the blend of conceptual and experiential elements to place a predictive accuracy on their future business capability.
In the business and marketing curriculum, it is common to see that colleges and universities stress the importance of practical work experience for students, especially in the areas of management and sales. Because of the growing complexity of the field, many colleges are offering internships in the senior year. The introduction into a business environment is done for varying lengths of time. The new positioning of the college graduate is helping to place students in a “real work” position, where they can test the application of courses and skills that underlie a common business and marketing curriculum. The move by the colleges can be the salvation of a program that may not be central to traditional curriculums.
As students and their interests change, delivery systems change, and global opportunities for young Americans expand, business faculty must be honest brokers in the business of education. Constituents need honest answers to questions about the value of college education. Accountability concerns about strategy, curriculum, and instruction drive policy decisions about what to retain, modify, or add to decisions about which students to recruit and retain are driven by value judgments. Thus, faculty who understand the learning process become knowledgeable about their pupils’ learning styles, needs, and values. They identify and make explicit the underlying assumptions driving instruction. They roll up their sleeves to learn more about students, who have incredible potential. Today, more than ever, team players have to evolve. Development and assessment of outcomes mean that everyone plays a role in the educational process. Society seeks answers to the issue which dominates higher education in general, business schools in particular: What attitudes and values make this academic experience special?
As the twenty-first century unfolds, colleges of business face numerous challenges. Some of the assumptions and concepts about learning that have guided past discussions regarding the role of business education no longer hold. Traditional organizational forms and often rigid job structures no longer exist. More and more Americans work in small, flexible, innovative businesses. The traditional boss, the bureaucrat in management, no longer commands the work force. The work force as a whole and knowledge-based workers in particular seek to balance their work lives with the rest of life’s calling. Downsizing, a short-term focus on financial returns, reengineering promotions in the academy, and crisis management have spawned change and resistance to college education-business schools are not insulated. Management employees must develop multiple skills; they must deal with increasing diversity; they must value and respect the ideas, skills, and production of new work-force entrants only possible after years of “survival”; they must continually learn and adapt.
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