homework help biology

homework help biology

Biology Homework Help

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1. Introduction to Biology

Now, they will quickly be looking for information on different areas in biology, seeking a great support for their work. This essay provides some useful information on the various ways in which “Biology Homework Help” can be provided. Simply, we can define biology as the science of life. It is the study of living things and their vital processes. When we study “Biology Homework Help,” the first thing which should come to our mind is that with a specific end goal to answer any question, we can just utilize scientific strategies – that’s it. This is a direct result of the way that scientific strategies are based on evidence. So giving reasons can assist us. If a user’s observation doesn’t demonstrate his point, then he needs to give a reason for it and needs to explain why his observation does not apply. Also, biology is a branch of science that studies life and living organisms. The modern tendency toward cross-disciplinary research and the unification of scientific knowledge and investigation from different fields has brought about significant overlap in the field of biology and other sciences. Today, the main branches of biology include the study of cells (cytology), tissues, organs, systems, and organisms (histology), bacteria, and viruses (bacteriology), fungi (mycology), and parasites (parasitology). These are often referred to as the classical fields of biology, but there are more, including evolution (as a subset of biology), ecology (a very broad and interdisciplinary field which in its broadest sense is the study of the interactions of organisms in their environment – this includes living and nonliving components), and genetics (understanding how genetic and hereditary traits and features work, i.e. the molecular biology, biotechnology, and bioengineering aspects).

2. Cell Structure and Function

The first section of this resource covers a detailed insight into the structure and function of cells. It starts with a basic introduction to cells and then covers the prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells with diagrams. Further, explanations on the structure and function of different components, such as the cell membrane, cytoplasm, ribosomes, and genetic material, are all provided. The resource indicates how these components work together to help part of a cell to function efficiently. Last but not least, the differences between animal and plant cells are highlighted. This section provides a comprehensive explanation for the topic with the help of useful diagrams to help the students’ understanding. Therefore, it is beneficial to people who are not familiar with the bio subject and is essential for better understanding of cell’s structure and its function. The next section will focus on the cells under microscope and cell fractionation. This continues to explain the application of this technique in cells and what we can achieve through doing this. It also compares the advantages and disadvantages between using the light microscope and the electron microscope. Overall, a wide range of essential information is included in this section which helps to provide a fundamental understanding of the variation of life as well as the detailed knowledge of cell structure and functions. Students are encouraged to make comparisons between cells from different organisms to have a better idea of how the structures are related to their functions. At the end of these topics, some questions and exam skills are included to help students to consolidate their knowledge and are spiritually preparing for the exams. It includes both multiple choice questions and short/long answer questions which can definitely help students review the materials. This provides a good practice of recalling and testing the understanding of a particular area. And on top of that, exam skills, such as the importance of reading the questions carefully, managing the time and understanding the command words, are also given. Overall, this resource is really helpful for us to learn and revise. Also, for those who are taking the iGCSE Biology, this website from a renowned school can definitely add values to your work and help to secure a high grade in the examination.

3. Genetics and Heredity

The understanding that heredity is something that is passed down from your ancestors is important. However, we must also remember that each generation may choose what to do with that heredity. In other words, we have a choice to treat our body the way we want, and what we give to our children may be different from what was given to us. Gregor Mendel was an Austrian monk who conducted experiments on garden peas in the 1860s. His studies went unnoticed for about 34 years. He is now celebrated as the father of genetics. Genetics is an important subject in biology as it is the study of how genetic information is passed from one generation to the next. Mendel’s work provided scientists with a basic set of rules that determine how traits are passed from one generation to the next. These rules formed the backbone of modern genetics. Mendel proposed that reproductive cells – in other words sperm and eggs – that contain the information for the same trait will separate when that information is passed on to the next generation. In this way only one part of the information will be passed on and if different forms of the same trait are present then only one will appear in the next generation. These were very important concepts and they helped to explain how the assortment and passing on of the information for traits occurs. As we begin to understand more and more about the hereditary information and the mechanics of how it works, scientists can use this knowledge to identify things like genes that make people more likely to suffer from certain inherited diseases. For instance, recently researchers have found a gene that is most commonly passed on from the mother. This gene will increase the likelihood of migraine in a child. Current research is beginning to look at ways of altering or replacing faulty genes that cause genetic diseases, offering the possibility of a cure for some inherited diseases that were once thought to be untreatable. From day to day we gain more and more understanding about the amazing wealth of information that is contained in the genetic material of living organisms. As we probe deeper into this complex world, new exciting discoveries are waiting to be made. So the next time you are on a bus, in a queue or even walking down the street, just remember everyone around you is an individual; unique because of the amazing amount of hereditary information that’s waiting to be passed on to the next generation, and yet is also different because every organism is capable of surviving and withstanding the environment in which they live.

4. Evolutionary Biology

Evolutionary biology is built on the understanding that all life on Earth is connected and that it has grown and adapted over time. There are many processes that have contributed to the development of the amazing diversity of life on this planet, and just a few mechanisms have led to the majority of the complexity we see today. Evolution is the process of change in all forms of life over generations, and it is driven by the fact that organisms produce more offspring that can survive in their environment. This means that resources are limited and not all offspring will be able to survive. As a result, some individuals will be more successful in the struggle for existence, and these individuals will be more likely to survive and reproduce. This is known as “natural selection.” It is a key mechanism of evolution whereby some individuals will have the ability to survive and reproduce and others do not. Over time, individuals with advantageous traits will be more successful at surviving and reproducing, and they will therefore pass those traits on to their offspring. As a result of increases in technological advancement and knowledge, we have advanced our knowledge of genetics and heredity and how successful and survivable traits are passed from one generation to the next. We now have an extensive knowledge about the genes that directly contribute to life and the genes that have been passed down through many generations that have no apparent use to the organism. These genes that no longer are used are known as “vestigial” genes, and they can act as a historical record for the descent of a species. The study of these kinds of genes is called “phylogenetics.” This looks at the structure and function of genealogies (family trees) and how genes are passed from one generation to the next. This information can be used to map out relationships between different species and groups and could provide evidence for historical common ancestors. Scientists would use this knowledge in areas such as selective breeding and even understanding the genetic mechanisms that lead to diseases.

5. Ecology and Environmental Science

One way that ecologists study ecosystems is by charting the flow of energy and the cycling of matter within them. Ecology is a science and, therefore, the use of the scientific method is a sine qua non. The scientific method is a process that helps double-check that our hypotheses are supported and that we have not made any errors in our reasoning. It has several steps: the observation and description of a phenomenon or group of phenomena; the formulation of a hypothesis or hypotheses to explain the phenomena – in ecological terms, this means suggesting a causal mechanism; the use of the hypothesis to predict the results of new observations, and; the performance of tests of predictions by several independent experimenters. There is fieldwork which is carried out in situ, i.e., in the natural environment. For instance, an ecologist may look at a change in the growth of a plant when a new set of conditions are introduced – the building of a motorway, say. The ecologist would look at the motorway’s course over a period of time and record any changes. This kind of investigation is useful because it produces more reliable data than might be garnered in a lab-based study and is more likely to mimic the interactions found in the real world. However, this does not mean that laboratory work is obsolete in ecology – far from it. Lab-based research usually employs the study of animals or plants (maybe a micro-scale form of life) in highly controlled, artificial conditions. This is experiment and for each it is highly researched. Also, logistically speaking, experiments in the laboratory can be done over a wider range of population sizes than field-based work and may involve a wide variety of climates. All of the results are collected to reveal patterns. None of these methods is particularly favoured – an ecologist will select the method appropriate to the problem at hand. However, the findings from fieldwork are considered the most relevant to the ecological situation in the real world and, as described afore, such work is more reliable.

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