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python homework help

Python Homework Help

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1. Introduction

Python is an object-oriented programming language and, as such, it uses objects. Before I go any further, it is important to have at least a basic understanding of what an object is. I would describe an object as a piece of self-contained code that consists of both variables and functions that act on those variables. Utilizing objects allows for the creation of large, complex programs that are easily broken up into smaller, more manageable parts. Each object is unique, yet it can be based on the same blueprint as many other objects. This is often known as having a ‘class’ of objects. Classes are just a way of categorizing objects; a way of bundling together objects of a similar nature. For the non-programmer type of people out there, the idea of bundling variables and functions together must probably sound quite abstract. However, it shouldn’t. Think of it as something you are already familiar with; like a microwave or a remote control car. Each has its own properties, but it is also a member of a larger group that share the same properties; all microwaves have a door, all remote control cars have a motor. This explanation is what I generally start off with when I need to explain what an object is and that’s because it is applicable to Python. Examples and further explanations will be provided as we go through various sections in this series. By now, you should have known that Python is not something that moves the large serpentine reptile from the family Pythonidae. Instead, it is a powerful modern computer programming language. It bears some similarities to HTML, but it is far more comprehensive in nature. Just like the reptile, Python can be used in different environments and it is simple to use. This introduction is just to give you a little taste of what Python is really about. As we go along in the series, more light will be shed on this fascinating program. As with any new thing, those of you who are new to computer programming may find using Python helpful. For the seasoned professionals who may be reading this and are already using languages such as C++ or Java to write their programs, it is my marketing opinion that you will find Python a considerable joy. And for those of you who may be wondering. Help is provided within Python; all you need to know is how to get at it. However, different environment may have different ways to get help. For example, in IDLE, the Python help is provided by simply clicking on the “Python Docs” reference. But, native help for Python is available in the Python shell. At the bottom of the screen, the version of Python and the copyright information is given before the first line in the shell. If you type “help()” and press “enter”, the interactive help utility is invoked and you’ll see three greater-than signs, which is called the prompt. My compliments to Dick Kniep for providing this useful piece of information that helps me to reinforce what I have explained earlier on what is an object. Thank you Dick, whoever you are. So, enter a keyword that you want help on and a list with possible choices will be returned to you. For example, if you type “modules” and press “enter”, a list of modules that come with Python will be listed. You don’t have to include the underscore “_”. If you press “enter” without entering any input, you will be given the command prompt again because it means you want to exit the help utility.

2. Basic Python Concepts

The ‘Python Homework Help’ guide that we provide begins by outlining the most basic Python concepts, for example, which are the significant contrasts among Python and other programming dialects and how to introduce Python. First, we set the scene, and afterward dive into introducing Python. Python is a broadly useful programming language that was made in the late 1980s, and is utilized generally by different ventures and understudies who need to become familiar with a programming language. Its plan reasoning stresses decipherability and its punctuation takes into consideration developers to communicate ideas in fewer lines of code than it would take in different dialects. This is on the grounds that there is a more prominent accentuation on regular language, making life simpler for the developer and deciphering should be possible continuously anyplace on the planet. The Python language structure can be educated in humanities and sociologies, whereas different dialects like Java and C++ are truly educated in software engineering and electrical building, for example. At the point when you learn Python, you are given the chance to master at any rate two different dialects since it is utilized in different advances, for example, AI and AI. So that is the reason we should pick Python over those different dialects. When Python has been effectively introduced, the hypothesis is clarified for an information type in Python and an int type on a basic level. At long last, the guide proceeds to clarify printing and remarks. The guide keeps on acquainting further developed thoughts and strategies with develop a student’s comprehension of Python programming.

3. Advanced Python Topics

If you think you know Python well, think again. This chapter is tough, some of the stuff is really advanced. I am going to teach you about object-oriented programming, and I am also going to talk about something called “Turtle”. It’s a module. Other than that, we are going to talk about another two really important concepts, “Inheritance” and “Exceptions”. After this chapter, I will be very surprised if you still don’t know how to use Python to solve an ordinary everyday problem! So let’s start with object-oriented programming. Do you remember when I told you that everything is an object in Python? Well, I am not lying, really! In Python, object-oriented programming works with data. We can now revisit our slots machine and make the code more simple. Now, our code can be made up with three. Try to understand why the following code will print 1, 2, 3, 6, 9 on the screen: I hope you really see the advantage of object-oriented programming. Do you? In the object-oriented language, a program is divided into a self-contained set of cooperating objects. This is what we know as “Encapsulation”. And each of these objects represents an instance of a class. Objects communicate with a well-defined interface called “Methods”. Again, this is what we know as “Polymorphism”. And objects also have the ability to remember things, as if they knew right from the time they were created until the time they are destroyed. This is what we know as “Inheritance”. I think now you are pretty familiar with object-oriented programming. Let’s now consider something. In fact, I want to tell you what I mean by “Creating Graphical User Interface”.

4. Common Python Errors

Secondly, let’s not forget that Python will indicate where it discovers the error because the message that we generally get is “SyntaxError: invalid syntax”. And the arrow indicates where the parser first understood that there was a problem. But remember also that the actual error may be prior to the location of where the interpreter first noticed it. Another common error is to define a variable and then to call it misspelling. When we run the code, we encounter two different types of errors, one is syntax and the other is an exception. Suppose that we have the following code. The error is raised “UnboundLocalError”. It is because we firstly assign a value to x inside the function and then we want to print x before the function call. And we can fix it by defining the value of x before the function call. And this time we expect that the output will be 3 and 3. But what do you think will happen? When we run the code, we get “TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: ‘int’ and ‘str'”. This is due to we have the same variable name for the function parameter, i.e. x and also for the function parameter, i.e. str1. So when we try to add x value with str1, it throws an error because we can’t add an integer value with a string type. Also under this category, we have NameError. It indicates that a local or global name is not found. For example, we could encounter this error “NameError: name ‘b’ is not defined”. This happens because we want to use the value of ‘b’ to calculate the value of ‘a’ for the first print command. And then we define the value for ‘a’. So to solve this error, we should establish the name for ‘b’ before ‘a’ like the following code. On the other hand, we could also encounter an error of “TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: ‘int’ and ‘float'”. The problem with this code is that we try to add a variable of integer type with a variable of float type. Therefore, this error could occur. And this is due to we have the same variable name for the function parameter, i.e. x and also for the function parameter, i.e. str1. So when we try to add x value with str1, it throws an error because we can’t add an integer value with a string type. Also under this category, we have NameError. It indicates that a local or global name is not found. For example, we could encounter this error “NameError: name ‘b’ is not defined”. This happens because we want to use the value of ‘b’ to calculate the value of ‘a’ for the first print command. And then we define the value for ‘a’. So to solve this error, we should establish the name for ‘b’ before ‘a’ like the following code. On the other hand, we could also encounter an error of “TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: ‘int’ and ‘float'”. The problem with this code is that we try to add a variable of integer type with a variable of float type. Therefore, this error could occur. And this is the proper result if we define the proper name for the variable before we use them.

5. Conclusion

What have you learned from this experience? Hopefully, this tutorial has given you a good introduction to Python. It’s a very powerful, versatile and yet easy language to learn and use. Python is free and yet a powerful language. As you get more and more experience, you will find this language becomes more and more expressive and powerful. I hope you can use this tutorial as a supplement in your study of Python. In summary, we introduced the basic syntax of Python. Then, we looked at how to assign and retrieve values. We also saw the conditional constructs and flow control in Python. Next, we discussed the looping constructs. After that, we moved to functions and modules. Last but not least, we talked about file I/O and exception handling. We saw that we can handle multiple exceptions. Also, we can associate a list of values. This is a very useful feature of Python when we are working with exception handling. I do not have the space here to go through every aspect of Python. Also, the purpose of this tutorial is to give you a flavor of Python. I hope that you can see from the tutorials that Python is a very easy language to get into. It is versatile, easy, and expressive. Also, it is the language of the moment. And the great news is it has a bright future. I hope that one day you can contribute something to the Python community as well.

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